Social Media

digital, illustration, retouching

A vast majority of the National Library of Technology’s visitors are university students or young professionals, which makes social media a main channel of communication. The library has 12 000 followers on Facebook and over two thousand on Instagram and Twitter.

My responsibility was making original artwork for posts presenting the library, its services and events hosted by it. The color palette, fonts and some graphic elements were defined by the corporate identity. I created illustrations, infographics or diagrams, aiming for a somewhat technical but also friendly and informative style.

Facebook Images
Facebook is the main outlet for promoting the National Library of Technology’s workshops and other services, giving practical information or celebrating important days and historical events.

Instagram Images

Instagram is a secondary information channel for the library. It partially mirrors the information diffused through Facebook, but I created some artwork, like the last two images above, specifically for Instagram’s square format. They publicize a series of concerts.